Saturday, January 15, 2011

Car Letter Of Offer Sample

My personal "miracle-healing cream"!

Huhu my friends! I wanted to show you today, even my personal miracle. Undzwar I have very dry skin so I can hammer out with urea creams to some extent. But as if this was not annoying enough, I have received in recent months, redness to it. So that's red dry spots on the face. I tell you, this is not really looked great and had no make-up do not go out to think. Then I was about 2 weeks with NEM dermatologist for another thing and have it also addressed the same views on these points in the face. He said that would be slight eczema, which can be used by Überpflegung. Nix contagious, just ne reaction of the skin. Hm, tja. So much to be male, be too much makeup, too much well maintained. He said I should first few weeks (!!!) n my face leave them alone and only use a skin cream.
easier said than done .. I've tried but am less makeup, and also nur noch Naturkosmetik benutzt, kein anderes Kram. Hat aber nicht viel gebracht. Dann habe ich durch Zufall diese Salbe gefunden und mal mitgenommen:

Totes Meer Salbe von Schaebens (tierversuchsfrei). Soll bei empfindlicher, trockener, unreiner Haut helfen und auch bei Neurodermitis-Erkrankungen. Kann ja nicht schaden, dachte ich mir. Und da meine Oma immer auf diese Totes-Meer-Produkte geschworen hat, kam die Salbe mal mit.

Ich hab dann mehrmals täglich die Salbe aufgetragen und mich weiterhin nur noch mit Naturkosmetik geschminkt, so wenig wie möglich (aber ganz ohne konnte ich einfach nicht unter Leute!), and what shall I say, after 3 days I can see a marked improvement! I was really really happy! The red spots became less and less, and now they are almost completely gone, that I can run around even without make-up! I am soooo happy that my skin is now better, and will watch in real Zukuft even better, because what I do rub in the face.

What surprises me is that the doctor I asked what does he mean exactly for ne cream, with what ingredients, only said "yes what can we stop buying so". Great statement, well ... now I have my "magic bullet" found himself so;)

Maybe one of you has Hautproblemchen, so I wanted you recommend this ointment a look! It has helped me really great.


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