Monday, August 31, 2009

Installing Inducer Fan On Goodman Furnace

between Bavaria and North Sea beach

is actually increased in recent years, the unemployment well below the comedians and satirists? Actually, these professions have but their very own Betätigungsfeld, die Politik, vollkommen verloren, denn die Parteien übernehmen diese Arbeit doch inzwischen selber. Die neueste Realsatire stammt von der Jungen Union (JU):

Es fetzt das „Lied“ der Jungen Union durch deutsche Lande

Nachdem die Lachkrämpfe abgeklungen sind, das Klingeln in den Ohren nachgelassen hat, kommt das Böse Erwachen aus einem Alptraum: Die meinen es Ernst! Und es kommt noch schlimmer: Dies ist die Junge Union, d.h. in einigen Jahrzehnten, wenn die Erwachsen sind, dürfen die auch echte Realpolitik machen, womöglich so ganz allein Gesetze beschliessen. Wehe wenn sie logelassen....
Zum Abschluss noch eine Frage an die hier anwesenden Mediziner: Kann man den bedauernswerten Dietrich Rudorff noch heilen oder ist er ein hoffnungsloser Fall?

Friday, August 28, 2009

Best Motherboard For E8500 Cpu

call for demonstration "Freiheit statt Angst" in Berlin 09.12.2009

  • Am 12.09.2009 15:00 findet die Bundesweite Demonstration „Freiheit statt Angst 2009“ kostenloses Werbematerial (Handzettel, Aufkleber, Poster) Handzettel Demo „Freiheit statt Angst“ 2009 . Wer anreisen will findet dort auch Bus offers


    Friday, August 21, 2009

    Wie Setze Ich Bei Soul Silver Cheats Ein

    Benneter: Privacy Policy

    defend privacy, with exactly those words still touted by the MP and would-be MPs back Klaus Uwe Benneter in one of these free cheese leaves in Berlin on the front page to vote for the election:

    Berlin weekly No. 33, 12.08.2009 Note the slogan of the Social Democratic Party chairman


    : [.. .] "The data has been fighting for years against the acquisitiveness of authorities . And Enterprises
    It is amazing that Benneter print it dares to vote at his

    such advertisements to be:

    09/11/2007 retention ✓ ✓ ✓ abdominal pain
    12/11/2008 BKA law
    06/18/2009 Internet Lock
    Since only remains for me, whether it's speedy recovery to . do Maybe he should But first, do so before the election, a very extensive treatment with many walks, because movement stimulates the circulation, including and especially of the head and gut. When he starts feeling better so he can try again. Until then, so long: All right to change ➙ Pirate Party . # q80915 # q87657

    Tuesday, August 18, 2009

    Trancparence Candid Forum

    Kaviar Gauche Autumn / Winter 09/10

    Diesen Herbst lasse ich mich verzaubern von dem edlen Chic der 40er Jahre mit seinen glänzenden, fließenden Stoffen die ganz ladylike die Silhouette der Frau betonen, dazu gerne Pelz und opulenten Halsschmuck wie bei Donna Karan.



    Donna Karan

    Die betonten Schultern sind auch ein Muss, sei es bestickt oder mit extremen Schulterpolstern in Szene gesetzt.
    Karl Lagerfeld


    The glam it did to me with all the studs and sequins in discouragement, too.
    Balmain shows the way and all others do after, p



    And last: Leather in all variations, be it a dress, skirt, pants, jacket, or, or, or ...

    Thursday, August 13, 2009

    Diapositivas Power Point

    defend decay law

  • long, extensive research has to analyze huge amounts of data, now a landmark Result out of the political decay law. This mathematical algorithm is able to easily model the misery, and to provide a forecast.
  • Result: Very poor prospects!

    Wednesday, August 12, 2009

    Has Mitchem Deoderant Changed Its Formula

    By the way ...

    ... the dress which I had originally bought the shoes. Meanwhile, I have loved the heels and therefore I won that combine many of my outfits, because they fit extremely well with almost everything! And I must say that you can wear them fairly without completely destroying his feet, but not all day but the half, or all night;)

    Tuesday, August 11, 2009

    Ap Bilogy Blab 10 Lab Activity Wards

    We have the power ...

    The CDU

    Politisches Zerfallsgesetz asked via citizens for help in their campaign for the parliamentary elections in 2009. Here I wanted to stand back, of course not:

    Wir haben die Kraft - Gemein gegen das Volk.
    Wir sind die Kraft, die die Piraten antreibt.
    Wir haben die Kraft, uns 80 Mio Terroristen entgegenzustellen.
    Wir haben die Kräfte, Ihre Freiheit zu gestalten.
    Wir haben die Kraft für Freiheit durch Zensur. Addendum (13/08/2009):
    can find a remarkable collection of remixes to @ N02 / Wir haben die Kraft - Gemein gegen das Grundgesetz! and (of course) at Twitpic

    under the Hashtag

    # cduremix09 .
    Schäuble the poster-Remix Competition (10/08/2009)

    Saturday, August 8, 2009

    Is Blood Donation A Reason For Late Mentrual?

    Script Tip # 10: Password generator for Mac OS X and Linux

    For all the more once a new password will need a small password generator pays for the command line. On Linux, this is a short enough one-liners, with MacOS X Leopard are a few lines longer necessary (at least until the current Version 10.5.8), because a strange error on Mac OS X Leopard has to be bypassed.

    First, the basic part of the example Linux. First urandom is generated with a (pseudo) random number stream with

    a meaningful sign (here: on the keyboard easily be input) is limited and truncated by
    head to the desired length.
    tr-dc "[: graph:]"

    The output character set can be controlled as follows: [: alnum:] letters and numbers only

    [: alpha:] all letters
     < /dev/urandom | head -c10
    [: digit:] only numbers

    [: graph:] only durckbare characters, except space
    • [: lower:] all lower case
    • [: upper:] all caps
    • [: xdigit:] Only hexadecimal characters
    • These are only useful for passwords parameter. Who else might need, so read it with
    • tr.
    • MacOS X

    to use under MacOS X Leopard, the one-liners from the Linux section, you get an error message that goes back to a bug in Leopard:

    #: ~> tr-dc "[: graph:] "
    This error message appears if the LOCALE LC_ALL has a value other than C (on a system, this is mostly Deuscher en_US.UTF-8). To work around this bug we must therefore adjust the variable LC_ALL accordingly and if you work longer in a script to its original value after reset:
    # / usr / bin / bash # env lc = $ LC_ALL LC_ALL = C tr -! dc "[: graph:]"

    This script gives the same result as the one-liner on Linux, a ten-digit string.

     < /dev/urandom | head -c10
    head: can't combine line and byte counts
    tr: Illegal byte sequence


     < /dev/urandom | head -c10

    Man, this script can do even aufhübschen. Replacing

    head-c $ {1: -10} the password length can be easily controlled by delivery of a value. If nothing is passed, default is a ten-digit output. A further improvement could be that the output immediately and directly to the clipboard (see # script Tip 7: Data exchange between clipboard and terminal
    ) is written. This is handy if you often need passwords while surfing. On Linux this is done with

    under MacOS X with pbcopy : tr-dc "[: graph:]" tr-dc "[: graph:]"

    Zum Abschluss noch eine runde, komplette Lösung für MacOS X.
    < /dev/urandom | head -c ${1:-10} | xclip
    Für Macianer die gar nicht gerne mit dem Terminal arbeiten, gibt es die Möglichkeit den Passwortgenerator in die Menüleiste zu integrieren (vgl.
     Skripttipp #1: Bashskripte in die Menüzeile des Finders einbinden < /dev/urandom | head -c ${1:-10} | pbcopy
    ). Die einfachste Möglichkeit ist, ein Alias auf das Skript (oder auch das Skript selber) unter »~/Library/Scripts/« abzulegen. Bei dieser Variante können dem Skriptaufruf keine Parameter übergeben werden. Daher ist es besser, ein kleines AppleSkript zu schreiben, welches das Bashskript ggf. mit entsprechenden Parametern aufruft.

    Eine Komplette Lösung, also Passwortgenerator . In the menu bar and an alias in bashrc point with different parameters on the bash script:

    The script

    # / usr / bin / env bash # # File Name Password Generator # Author Globenaut # Created 08/08/2009 #! Description amended 08.08.2009 # Generates pseudo-random strings for passwords. # Parameter $ 1: length of the string pb = 0 character set = '[: graph:]' while getopts': abcghkxz 'button do case "$ switch" in a) character set =' [: alnum :]';; b) character set = '[: alpha :]';; g) character set =' [: upper :]';; k) character set = '[: lower :]';; x) character set =' [: xdigit :]';; z) character set = '[: digit :]';; c) pb = 1;; \\? ) Echo 'termination because of unknown switch: -' $ OPTARG; exit;; esac done shift $ ((OPTIND - 1)) lc = $ LC_ALL LC_ALL = C pw = `tr-dc '[: graph:]"

    The apple script
     < /dev/urandom | head -c ${1:-10}`
    if [ $pb == 1 ]; then
    echo -n $pw | pbcopy
    echo $pw

    exit 0
    ########## Weitere Erl?uterungen zum Skript ##########
    # Schalter:
    # -a Alphanumerische Zeichen [:alnum:].
    # -b Nur Buchstaben [:alpha:].
    # -c Wenn vorhanden wird die Zeichenfolge in die Zwischenablage geschrieben, ansonsten auf stdout ausgegeben.
    # -g Nur Gro?buchstaben [:upper:].
    # -h Ruft diese Hilfe auf.
    # -k Nur Kleinbuchstaben '[:lower:].
    # -x Nur hexadezimale Zeichen [:xdigit:].
    # -z Nur Ziffern [:digit:].

    tell current application do shell script "~ / bin / password-generator-c 10" end tell

    The path to the script must possibly be adapted and it must be in "~ / Library / Scripts / "will be saved. Jetzt steht der Passwortgenerator in allen Programmen in der Menüzeile zur Verfügung (sofern das Skriptmenü aktiviert ist, vgl.
    Skripttipp #1 ). Bei Anklicken der Menüzeile wird eine 10stellige pseudozufällige Zeichenfolge in die Zwischenablage geschrieben, gebrauchsfertig zum Einsetzen in Webformulare. Achtung: Die Zeichenfolge ggf. notieren, da Passwortfelder Selbige nicht anzeigen und sie nicht reproduzierbar ist!

     Das Alias 

    alias pw='Passwortgenerator 20'

    Bei Aufruf von pw im Terminal wird eine 20stellige Zeichenfolge auf der Kommandozeile ausgegeben.

    Darüberhinaus hat Add to this the possibility of the bash script with any parameters menu:
     #: ~> Password Generator 35 #: ~> S, / Eqzd) GDGHeSc %:]/# tQaUXr {&`~? rFgO #: ~> Password Generator-c 40 

    The script is set so that output for the string does not break, if it is written to the clipboard (thus

    echo-n $
    pw), for output to the command line does.


    Thursday, August 6, 2009

    Silver Spoon Markings E.p

    BKA: Why should we trust this time?

    The BKA examined evidence in a case of child abuse. In addition to a documentary in unsolved

    XY document number, also took daily newspapers on the topic. It is also always auf die Homepage des BKA (&lt;;) mit weiteren Informationen zum Fall verwiesen. Doch Vorsicht, der Besuch der BKA-Seite kann eine Falle sein. Bereits (mindestens) einmal hat das BKA die IP-Adressen seit 2001 anlassbezogen abgespeichert [ 1

    , 3

    ]. Anders ausgedrückt, jeder Besucher der BKA-Homepage geriet zwangsläufig in das Visier der Ermittler. Der Grundgedanke ist wohl, daß sich die Gesuchten oder deren Bekannte besonders intensiv für ihren eigenen Steckbrief interessieren. Man kennt dies ja noch aus den Zeiten der RAF, wo die Terroristen in den Postämtern vor ihren eigenen Steckbriefen im Posterformat Schlange standen.
    Officially, the storage place is not actually more, but why the BKA trust this time? It has since that time, neither a change in policy, yet significant personnel changes have taken place, on the contrary. Will probably soon be back in the Leyen'sche of the motto "it's all about the children" as a justification to listen for unusual means. Those who have nothing to fear, has nothing to hide and a search warrant is indeed not so bad, it must be cleaned out again anyway. With all the paranoia, the pathological delusions of control has become rampant in the room, Family and Ministry of Justice and BKA confidence playful. Under these conditions there is only one logical conclusion: To get not even in the haze of guilt, can only be warned urgently about to surf to the side of the BKA.

    has rarely fit a word of Laozi as in this case: "Anyone who even has no faith is also no confidence".

    Other than that it would be interesting to know where does the video, particularly if it is on the WWW, it was distributed, which is so full after Zensursula of child pornography.

    The false entries (10/10/2007), art122, 2390884

    BKA fahndet mit Honeypots? (30.09.2007)

    1. BKA speichert IP-Adressen seit 2001 (26.11.2007)

    Tuesday, August 4, 2009

    Bellas Mujeres Mexicanas Chingando

    And it continues with the Zaramania

    is now also the online catalog and here are my three favorite outfits ... I already feel a warm fuzzy feeling in your stomach and can not wait me all this in the shop to see:)

    Monday, August 3, 2009

    How Much For A Betty Boop Cake

    Script Tip # 9: color text output in the terminal

    Werden Farben richtig eingesetzt, erleichtern sie die Erkennung durch ihre strukturierende Wirkung ungemein. Das gilt auch für das Terminal, leider sind dort die Farbkennungen weder leicht zu errinnern, noch erhöhen sie die Lesbarkeit des Skriptes. Um dieses Problem zu umgehen, kann man sich eine kleine Funktion schreiben, der man als Parameter einen Text und einen Farbnamen passes. The function does the rest, is the text color on the terminal.
    Farbige_Textausgabe function () {local color case "$ 2" r *) color = '31m ';; # red ge *) color = '1; 33m';; # yellow gr *) color = '1; 32m ' ;; # green b *) color = '34m ';; blue esac # echo-e "\\ e [$ color $ 1 \\ e [0m"} Here are just four colors have been defined, but each is free to add more . The call in a script is then very simple:

    that remains is the question of what to do with the function? You can paste them into the bashrc, but who frequently works with all scripts should write more frequently used functions in a file (for example, function library), which at the beginning of each script to be "gesourced".!

     # / usr / bin / env bash # # creates # Author # # Description changed parameters source $ HOME / bin / Function Library ... exit 0 

    Thus prepared at every point of the script can now be called the function Farbige_Textausgabe. The script is readable and clear, just as the output. Now it is only to keep a color scheme, for example, error messages, red, yellow and hints success stories green.

     What color combinations are available and how they look on screen? This question is answered a little script that outputs all the combinations of characters and background color, and their respective coding: 

    # / usr / bin / env bash # # Filename color table # # Author Globenaut created 03/08/2008 modified 15/11/2007 # # Description Returns a table of the ANSI color. # Parameter $ 1: (! 3 characters) short sample text, optional. t = $ {1:-GM8} echo-e "\\ n 40m 41m 42m 43m 44m 45m 46m 47m" for VGE in 'M' '1m' '30m' '1; 30m '' 31m ''1; 31m' '32m' '1; 32m '' 33m ''1; 33m' '34m' '1; 34m '' 35m ' 1; 35m '' 36m ''1; 36m' '37m' '1; 37m ', Thu VG = $ {VGE / / /} echo-en "$ VGE \\ e [$ VG $ t" for HG in 40m 41m 42m 43m 44m 45m 46m 47m; do echo-en "\\ e [$ VG \\ e [$ HG $ t \\ e [0m" done echo done echo

     If the call to the script not pass a parameter, GM8 (a letter with In length, a wider capital letter and one number is used) as example text, otherwise the text from the parameters. For more than three characters, however, gets mixed up the table. The end result should look something like this: 

    ANSI colors against a black background terminal


    Sunday, August 2, 2009

    Vesta Beef Risotto, Supplier

    Script Tip # 8: Notes for each directory's

    What to do with notes and / or errands? If we use to specialized program and collects all notes in a file or simply drop to only text files, and if so where you lay them off? A universal solution, I also do not offer, but for little things that belong in a directory (such as errands for a project) you can tinker with the bash something useful.

    Ansi-Farbtalle vor schwarzen Hintergrund First, the variable in the

    . Bashrc modified so that whenever the prompt is displayed and the contents of a File is output. Now you can just always if there is something to note with its text editor, create a (hidden) file, for example. Add errands and hieninschreiben in this his notes.

    this line in the paste and the bashrc bashrc Rescan... . You are now a file things to do within the current Vezeichnis, whose content is displayed each time the call of the prompt after a command, otherwise, nothing appears:

    #: ~> cd Globenautblog / errands to that directory: 1 Script Tip to-do list Leave work on display # 2 Comment: ~> Line numbering is a function of cat, that cat-n. I defniert with me in the bashrc alias, which I always displays when using cat (as in grep) the line numbers:

     alias cat = 'cat-n' alias grep = 'grep-aOn - color' 

    Who would not have this alias, it must adapt PROMPT_COMMAND containing the line and simply insert cat-n after.

     For my work, it has proven to be practical to use two files. .. A errands and notes: 

    export PROMPT_COMMAND = "if [-a errands.] then echo 'errands to this directory:', \\ cat errands; fi; if [-a notes.] then echo 'notes to this directory:';. cat notes, fi, "

     to remember the solution. meant for small things, the list is too large it becomes impractical. It is of course to give you too much larger program flows to the PROMPT_COMMAND, but since the prompt is addressed almost continuously, you should think carefully about how large should be such Prgramm. It makes absolutely no sense at this point an end incorporate, as a result you must wait several seconds every time the appearance of the prompt.