Friday, September 4, 2009

Vip Reception Verbiage

JAKO erwacht aus der Schreckstarre

  • Last night the company JAKO all visibly moved and Press release published on its website. The title "We overreacted," suggests to access, but the following text is at least disappointing. A sincere apology is different. In addition, you get the impression that only vesucht save to save what still without dealing with the real problem, however, because by and large, the statement reads more like an indictment. Obviously, neither the operation of the Internet is still understood the underlying problem. But we regard the points in detail:
  • "We have clearly overreacted," said Rudi Sprügel, CEO of JAKO AG, and creates all the conditions to end the fast, especially in Internet discussion led to his company.

    manufacturer of sporting goods from the north of Baden-Wuerttemberg, the focus is on sports teams in 40 countries around the world very successfully with shirts, pants, socks, balls, track suits and shoes, equipping, had dealt with the blogger Frank Baade. self-expression for those who did not know JAKO. Advertising in an apology? Also had probably the first blogger dealt with JAKO.

    The football coach from North Rhine-Westphalia had criticized the company for the 20th anniversary JAKO created new logo with words from the abusive language. This angered the people responsible at JAKO. Therefore, they commissioned a law firm with the aim that these defamatory statements Baade withdraws and the Internet removed.

    To put it clearly, the blogger took the logo quite simply shit. This may interfere with one, especially if you are the user of the logo, but it is truly the right of everyone to express his opinion on this, whether oral, written, pictorial or otherwise. That's called freedom of speech! He has set no false claims about the products in the world, but expressed his personal opinion about the company JAKO. Apart from football, a total of not exactly known for their poetic tone.

    After negotiations among the attorneys Baade was ready. He committed himself by signing, in the event of an offense to pay a penalty.

    negotiations, this case probably a euphemism for coercion. If one is set with the words, money or your life the gun at his chest, it is difficult to classify this as a negotiation. Complaining about other people's expression and then to throw a disrespectful Baade in the round matches, not even played for the contrite. Also forgets to mention JAKO that the blogger has geahlten to the agreement.

    When after a few weeks Baade excessive criticism was still available on the Internet, Baade received another letter from the JAKO-lawyers. They had assumed that the amateur soccer coach did not want to stick to the agreement and informed him thus incurring a case of culpable repetition of the alleged statements increased penalty. Only after it emerged that the Czech news aggregator "Newstin" had been copied from the deleted text Baade and continue to spread.

    The lawyers were thus presumed. Aha! Now we say it is going in German: The lawyers have worked sloppy and not carefully. This can also be regarded as a gross breach of duty, probably caused Duch lack of expertise on the functioning of the Internet.

    Without the final settlement of the case, the lawyers to be seen Baade then alerted the blogosphere. Of the bloggers or the story was the way to the major daily newspapers.

    As for the emergency telephone number of the blogosphere? Here it is clear that JAKO did not understand the procedures. Each blogger is still alone Responsible for what facts he takes up what is not. If the lawyers have been familiar with the Internet, they would have been clear that a warning triggers a Pavlov reflex. The Internet community responded with law, as this case shows very angry at interference in the freedom of expression. Moreover, this reaction was probably necessary, because if the blogosphere their displeasure known would not have done, had JAKOS lawyers "Trainer Baade" more pressured, and probably with success.

    "We have a purely legal blame anything," said Rudi Sprügel, "but in retrospect it would have been much better if we had with Mr. Baade personally contacted and resolved the matter directly with him."

    clear statement of this point: We bow to the pressure because it starts to cost money, but we have not made mistakes, because it is forbidden to see our logo and shit to say so too loudly. Freedom of expression, he does not seem to really understand have to. His lawyers are working sloppy (the alleged culprit was in the second, the Czech News aggregator

    ") and then throw in front of others, have not searched the Internet. But they have not done anything wrong.

    Sprügel regrets that the "dispute shall have been rocking unnecessarily. It was unfortunate, not immediately respond to requests from bloggers and journalists. "We have nothing to hide, after all, to '

    PR agencies for image building are expensive, such costs attract more regret in the management. He has nothing to hide? What reference in this Zusammenhang?

    Die Verzögerung einer Antwort hänge unter anderem auch mit der Urlaubszeit und der Abwesenheit wichtiger Entscheidungsträger zusammen. Sprügel kündigt an, er werde den Logo-Kritiker in die Firmenzentrale nach Mulfingen-Hollenbach einladen. Dabei werde man sehr gerne mit ihm über das neue Logo diskutieren und Baade könne sich ein eigenes Bild vom JAKO-Spirit und der Qualität der Produkte machen. Rudi Sprügel, der in jungen Jahren selbst in der zweiten deutschen Fußballliga spielte, will sich dafür einsetzen, dass Baade aus dieser Auseinandersetzung „keine finanziellen Nachteile erwachsen.“ Sprügel wörtlich: „Ich bin mir sicher, dass beide Seiten aus dieser unpleasant history have learned. "JAKO is so Sprügel, a" young medium sized company, the honest, fair sport culture lives with enthusiasm. " His Majesty leaves justice with mercy, how touching. JAKO, you have now dovetailed the bullshit, not the others!

    What learning effects seen here Mr. Sprügel? What should the bloggers have learned his opinion? That one may express his opinion only if you have enough money for lawyers? What does Mr. Sprügel for himself and his company to have learned? That one is right when fighting against freedom of expression, but that the resulting resultierende schlechte Image Geld kostet?

    Diese Unternehmensphilosophie, die von rund 160 Mitarbeitern mit einem Altersdurchschnitt von 34 Jahren gelebt werde, bringe auch das neue Logo mit der Aussage „JAKO Living Sports“ zum Ausdruck. JAKO konnte seinen Umsatz im Geschäftsjahr 2008 erneut um zehn Prozent auf 63,8 Millionen Euro steigern. 2008 verkaufte JAKO unter anderem 1,5 Millionen Trikots, 1 Million Trainingsanzüge und eine halbe Million Bälle. Auch 2009 liegt JAKO trotz Wirtschaftskrise auf Wachstumskurs.

    JAKO ist Ausstatter von Bundesliga-Mannschaften wie Eintracht Frankfurt, Greuther Fürth, Rot-Weiss-Ahlen, FC Rot-Weiss Erfurt, SSV Jahn Regensburg, Dynamo Dresden sowie von Fußball-Erstligamannschaften in Austria, Switzerland, the Netherlands and Belgium. JAKO equipped but also well-known German and international handball, basketball and volleyball teams from complete. Especially these teams know the quality of JAKO products satisfy the most demanding to appreciate and rely on the expertise of the JAKO team.
    What has to do the marketing drivel at this point and with the facts? The peacock is insulted and its tail to show how great he is. How many own goals were ürbigens with the self-produce balls shot?

    to the above criticisms I think is yet to add something else, namely the type of expression. In der Erklärung wird von einem


    geredet, davon daß sich
    die Verantowrtlichen geärgert hatten
    , etc. Man gewinnt den Eindruck ein Dritter berichtet über den Vorfall und versucht dem Leser die Situation zu erklären. Es entsteht nicht der Eindruck, daß hier das Unternehmen selbst der Erklärende ist, immerhin handelt es sich um eine Mitteilung des Unternehmens JAKO auf seiner eigenen Homepage, und sich mit dem gesagten auch identifiziert.

    Summa summarum: Dies ist mehr eine Anklage, eine ernstgemeinte Entschuldigung sieht anders aus! Ich persönlich bezweifle auch, daß es auf Seiten von JAKO noch zu einer Einsicht, die über das Geld hinaus geht, kommen wird. Entweder man akzeptiert Meinungsfreiheit ganz allgemein oder man tut es nicht und Anwälte handeln berufsbedingt nach anderen Kriterien. Für sie ist das Prozessrisiko und die Wahrscheinlichkeit einen Prozess zu verlieren entscheidend. JAKO kann ab jetzt noch alles falsch machen, aber nur noch sehr wenig richtig. Einzig für „Trainer Baade“ dürfte die Sache auf der Habenseite zu verbuchen sein, denn er kommt aus der Sache raus.

    Darüberhinaus kann man wohl auch von der Anwaltskanzlei Horn & Kollegen, vertreten durch RA Iris Sanguinette, eine öffentliche Entschuldigung erwarten. Dazu muß sich halt von der Schweigepflicht entbinden lassen. Das wäre sogar eine äußerst preiswerte Angelegenheit, after all, the image of failure is JAKO by solicitor until further perdu. In general, it is surprising that a law firm to over a dozen websites courting customers, such a blunder happened.

    JAKO JAKO the debate on Logo: "We have to respond"

    How JAKO other people takes off the last jersey (01/09/2009)

    1. Meme Schlurchmarke (01/09/2009)

    3. JAKO kündigt Handschlag an (04.09.2009)


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