Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Can You Go To College For Astrology

Lothar Binding (SPD): Rückgrat gesucht

The Bundestag Lother Binding (SPD) has spoken at a campaign appearance in front of students to Internet censorship:

Kurfürst-Friedrich-Gymnasium, 13.45 Clock: Almost a summary of the previous two debates, this time about 300 students. It goes back to arms and around Afghanistan. Then there is a student at the "Pirate Party" T-shirt and asks binding under the law to the Internet blocks against child pornography sites. And the SPD man gives a surprising answer: "The barriers are ineffective." Still, he has voted in favor. "There was a psychological problem. Had we done nothing, could have many people think that we support child pornography. "

We must make really clear what the man has said here. He admits to have approved a bill that achieves what neither his goal (Sperrrung child pornography web sites) and a help for abused children is. Presumably this law will have the opposite effect. spineless, a man probably act little. In how many other laws he has also adopted this attitude in his voting record on the day? Basically He is far worse than a woman von der Leyen (Zensursula), which - I assume this even now - is apparently convinced of the effectiveness of their actions deeply.

stupid but really could be the end but the question that opens up is, how many of his fellow MPs (all parties) have acted from the same motives and act like him? I fear some, if you look at the laws passed in recent years looking at Sun People like him who do not put a critical analysis of legislative initiatives and a derivative thereof are able to vote, not only as representatives of the people wholly inappropriate, but as executives at all. Good governance is different, very different.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Softball Sv12 Reviews

Deutsche Bahn und organisierte Kriminalität

This year situation in the Berlin S-Bahn, the Tagesspiegel to the point:

To the Berlin S-Bahn in April 1945 to bring to a halt, the Red Army needed 2.5 million soldiers, 6,000 tanks, 7,500 aircraft and 10,000 guns. The train is the same through the use of only four managers have succeeded. is against them now by the prosecutor because of "dangerous interference with the railway traffic" ermittelt.

Derzeit sind rd. ⅔ der Wagen nicht einsatzfähig, was zu massiven Einschränkungen beim Zugverkehr führt, da z. Zt. teilweise ganze Linien stillgelegt sind. Die Ursache des Ausfalls ist angeordnete, mangelhafte und/oder minderwertige Wartung und Personalentlassungen auch im technischen Sektor. Abgesehen von der Inkaufnahme der Gefährdung von Menschenleben — immerhin wurden Räder und Bremsen nicht entsprechend gewartet — und massiven Zugausfällen, wird ein anderer Gesichtspunkt nach meiner Kenntnis bisher überhaupt nicht thematisiert.

Die Ursache der Probleme ist letztendlich der angestrebte Börsengang der Deutschen Bahn AG (DB) , dessen 100%ige Daughter of the Berlin S-Bahn. To make the balance sheets of the DB look as positive, was the daughter of enormous benefit 'forced transfers that have been achieved through drastic austerity measures. The better the balance sheets appear, the higher the issue price of the shares. Since the profits at the expense of substance, however, aware of the subsidiary has been made and no additional revenue can probably be said with complete justification of a planned investor fraud. Even assuming for the benefit of the railway management that, from the increased revenue would return funds to the S-Bahn to restore to flow back, it is fraud because it was played with a hidden agenda. The used Methoden ähneln frappant den Machenschaften, wie man sie von der organisierten Kriminalität her kennt. Noch brisanter wird dieser Fall mafiösen Gewinnstrebens dadurch, daß es sich bei der DB um ein Staatsunternehmen handelt!

  1. S-Bahn-Chefs, erfolgreich wie eine Armee
    Harald Martenstein, Tagesspiegel (19.7.2009);art692,2851359

  2. S-Bahn Berlin: Stillstand in der Hauptstadt
    Constanze von Bullion & Michael Bauchmüller,
    Süddeutsche Zeitung (16.07.2009)

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Milena Velba Palpata In Bus

Daten schützen: OptOutDay

# optoutday: Thu, 17/09/2009

Commissioner for a registration authority may disclose personal information such as address, birthday, religion and marital status, for example, to directory publishers, political parties and churches. However, it is possible, however contradiction ("opt. Out") appeal. This can be done any time, but to share in the matter to the authorities a sign, which organizes Pirate Party on Thursday, 17.09.2009 as optoutday . For the latest information is also available on Twitter at

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Blueprint Big Green Egg Table

Steinmeier stellt medienpolitischen Forderungskatalog auf

Der Kanlerkandidat Frank-Walter Steinmeier hat in einem Artikel, dessen Titel „ Die Beziehung von Medien und Demokratie ist heute manchmal brüchig “ aufhorchen läßt, seine Vorstellungen von der Medienlandschaft in Deutschland niedergelegt. Wenn ein Politiker am Verhältnis von Medien und Politik zweifelt, liegt das wohl meistens daran, daß er in den Medien nicht die Aussagen wiederfindet, die er dort gerne sehen möchte.

An vielen Stellen bleibt Steinmeier seltsam vage, an den Stellen wo er konkret wird offenbart er letztlich genau jene, dem Politikbetrieb innewohnende, rückwärtsgewandte Technikfeindlichkeit und Regelungsgwut, from which the feed fed to the pirate party, but we consider his statements in detail:

not a modern democracy can exist without a responsible and committed to democracy and modern media. Especially our democracy in Germany has the experience again and again. Two anniversaries that we call to mind: The Weimar democracy has not gone at last creeping poison of anti-democratic attitude of the journalistic campaign against the Democrats and parties and the lack of respect for the institutions of democracy is based. But even the happiest moments in German history of democracy with the influence of the media are connected. The fall of the wall would be without the use of our media - and mainly with the public - without the protection of the images for the then opposition, without encouraging the reporting to the silence of the East German media have been impossible. The more it is today duty to remember in this and to draw the right conclusions for our democracy.

So we are to actually believe that would have survived with a different media culture of the Weimar republic and the Wall still stood? Already in the Roman Empire, there were riots and revolutions, no newspapers, no television, and even without the Internet. This all sounds very hard and a bit exaggerated, even if the protective function of the medial Public can not be denied. Conversely wiederun those responsible would say in the GDR, that the agitation had in the Western media complicity in the downfall of the GDR. From the perspective of those in power is all propaganda, which is directed against them. It is always a matter of definition, what is propaganda and what not. Binding can be accomplished only with censorship! So is this a legal language calling for censorship?

concentrated in Article 5 of the Basic Law itself, what has been achieved in centuries for freedom and against tyranny, censorship and harassment. But we also feel that the relationship between media and democracy today, sometimes fragile, damaged and threatened. It is against this common anzugehen. Denn nach wie vor lebt die Demokratie von einer von den Medien hergestellten und getragenen Öffentlichkeit. Stirbt diese Öffentlichkeit, dann stirbt auch die Demokratie.

Zur Erinnerung zunächst Artikel 5 des Grundgesetzes:

  1. Jeder hat das Recht, seine Meinung in Wort, Schrift und Bild frei zu äußern und zu verbreiten und sich aus allgemein zugänglichen Quellen ungehindert zu unterrichten. Die Pressefreiheit und die Freiheit der Berichterstattung durch Rundfunk und Film werden gewährleistet. Eine Zensur findet nicht statt.

  2. Diese Rechte finden ihre Schranken in den Vorschriften der allgemeinen Gesetze, den gesetzlichen Bestimmungen zum Schutze der Jugend und in dem Right to personal honor.
  3. art and science, research and teaching are free. Freedom of teaching does not release from allegiance to the Constitution.

He recognizes that the importance of media produced and supported public to the functioning of democracy. But no politician wants to seriously the public called for here, since this would mean transparency in political decision-making. For politicians, however important, is how to exploit media for his purposes ye /, because so far the public is sought only when there is political advantage to erheischen, but not for a genuine dialogue with the sovereign cause.

The more politicians and the media should jointly maintain this public discourse. By far and criticism, but also with respect for each other. Public opinion and published opinion can not be separated and the public, we have learned the latest from Jürgen Habermas, is a central category of the Enlightenment tradition, but is also just a profound structural change subject. The mass media have taken over the role of an electronic campfire. Ideally, combine, collect and evaluate them, what moves a company and would have to move, and do so in such a way that in a society diversity of opinion and are guaranteed access.

doing this media with actual or she should do this instead? Just by the concentration of media companies that very access to diversity of opinion is at risk. That also applies

in the Age of the Internet to preserve and create new ones. Even if the public has long since turned into countless segments of the public and has only occasionally associated with age cohorts or environment, democracy is giving rise to public as a whole, valid as a social objective. Towards them, the media are organized to secure their place in the democratic whole. Exactly what is at the center in charge of media policy in a democracy. Your particular characteristic must be now that it is a policy is not based on market forces alone is but a controlling, supporting hand of society, if necessary, also grants the state. The latter is especially true where noted not just a temporary market weakness, but an obvious market failure in the media or to be expected.

What he wants to create diversity of opinion on the internet really new? If you come across diverse ', then surely the web. Exactly the feel but the political class as a fundamental evil of the Internet. Anyone can at any time at extremely low cost multi-media his opinion of an arbitrarily large audience for Verfügung stellen. Jeder kann gleichermaßen Sender und Empfänger sein. Jederzeit muß damit gerechnet werden, daß sich eine dahingeworfene Aussage in sekundenschnelle verbreitet. Die Steuerbarkeit der öffentlichen Meinung ist nicht mehr gewährleistet. Insofern wirkt die Forderung aus dem Munde eines Politikers lächerlich.

Leider bleibt unklar, was genau sich Steinmeier unter dem Begriff „muss die Medienlandschaft organisiert werden“ vorstellt, aber wenn Politiker davon schwadronieren, daß etwas organisiert werden muß, meinen sie nichts Geringeres als staatliche Lenkung. Da er hier nicht allein vom öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunk spricht, sondern allgemein von der Medienlandschaft, kann man es eigentlich nicht anders verstehen als die Forderung nach einer staatlich gelenkten Medienlandschaft, mindestens jedoch eine Lenkung des Internets!

Ebenso merkwürdig bleibt seine Forderung, daß die Politik „eine steuernde, stützende Hand der Gesellschaft, notfalls auch des Staates gewährt“. Nach welchen Kriterien unterscheidet er zwischen lenkenden Eingriffen der Gesellschaft und denen des Staates? Dunkel ist seiner Rede Sinn.

Gerade die Entwicklung der Massenmedien in den letzten 50 Jahren hat gezeigt, dass das freie Spiel der Kräfte, eine entfesselte, überwiegend unregulierte Entwicklung nicht der Vielfalt dient, sondern der Konzentration von Medienmacht den Weg ebnet. Strategien, die die Entwicklung der Media let alone the market will lead, everywhere - especially in the western world - a development that has described the American economic historian Robert McChesney this: rich media. Poor Democracy. Who the media on the market, can weaken them in their democratic role and makes it only to goods and services.

Obviously he is in favor at this point to an increasing monopolization of the media. No mention is natural that the SPD is trying to take over some media more or less hidden strong influence on public opinion.

why we always see media as both: as a business and as a cultural, a product of consumer society and as a carrier of a "public service" of a public service. This for decades, always in question asked, but always bearing approach has led to the combination of media development and democratic development was a close and productive. Not least the establishment of a public-service broadcasting, this idea always alive and full of life. She has suffered, when and where the media - is the development of financial markets are not dissimilar - were expelled in the wake of deregulation in the global market. They have suffered, since the connection between Journalism and economic activity is no longer taken for granted. They have suffered, since the winner would take care of the companies are no longer about the profits of the company.

Here the development of public service broadcasting is mixed with the private media, and keeps it the permanent name of political parties and churches influence on decisions within the public service broadcaster. But even with this statement is not clear what Steinmeier wants. He complains, but does not say where he is going.

As always, this development means a weakening of democratic developments, virtues and achievements, you have to think about instruments and, if necessary also introduce, establish a balance between the cultural and economic asset again. Currently, therefore the following tools and opportunities to think: Well, then finally come

specific proposals: first

A contemporary media concentration law, especially the development of storage media (on demand) into account and new Vermachtungsstrukturen (Google and Co.) small holds.

Is this statement thrown quickly or result of technical incompetence? That has to do a media concentration law with the development of storage media? Why is he called "on demand" as a storage medium? Does he mean just about new forms of distribution? Selbst unter Beücksichtigung der Mehrfachbedeutung des Wortes Medium bleibt der Zusammenhang unklar. Hier scheint eine ziemliche Begriffsverwirrung vorzuliegen. Entscheidend ist aber der letzte Teilsatz: neue Vermachtungsstrukturen klein halten. Im Grunde fordert er hier den Bestandsschutz alter Machstrukturen und deren Schutz vor aufkeimender Konkurrenz. Denn solange es nicht nur ein Google allein gibt, sondern noch einige Co’s gibt, ist die Vielfalt gewährleistet. Erst beklagt er die Konzentration, jetzt will er sie festigen.

2. Nach wie vor: Breitband aufs flache Land, gleiches Netz für alle!

Schöne Forderung, hört sich gut an, kann nicht falsch sein, aber nur nicht konkret werden. Wie soll die Finanzierung erfolgen? Soll diese Forderung durch ein staatliches Netz oder durch subventionen erreicht werden?

3. Ein Reformmodell – zum Beispiel als Stiftung – für eine unabhängige deutsche Nachrichtenagentur für den Fall, dass sich das Geschäftsmodell von dpa trotz notwendiger innerer Reformen auf Dauer nicht trägt und sich weitere Gesellschafter abwenden.

Hier plädiert er für den Erhalt der dpa ohne zu erklären warum er die dpa für unverzichtbar hält. Hier redet er anscheinend einigen Leuten nach dem Munde.

4. Erleichterungen im Pressefusionsrecht für die Zeitungen sowie die Einführung eines Leistungsschutzrechts für Verlage im Urheberrrecht, therefore expensive-generated content can not be used in any commercial free.

top he lamented a growing concentration in the media, then, new Vermachtungsstrukturen attributes are kept small, and here he calls relief for mergers in the press. It seems to old business models are protected from new. But this reminds us of the Forer the music industry.

5th A legal framework for Internet services, which ensures that is already emerging and darken the already realized the potential for abuse in positive ways.

enemy Internet! Here she shines through again, the idea vom rechtsfreien Raum Internet, der dringend der rechtlichen Bändigung benötigt. Es ist bemerkenswert, woher überhaupt diese Vorstellung kommt, denn die Gesetze die offline gelten, gelten auch online und das schon immer. Das beste Beispiel dafür ist die unsägliche Abmahnerei deutscher Webseiten durch geschäftstüchtige Anwälte.

Bedeutsam ist hier aber die eigentliche Aussage von Steinmeier, denn offensichtlich spricht er sich hier für mehr Zensur aus, d.h. eine Ausweitung der beschlossenen Internetsperren auf andere Bereiche als nur Kinderpornografie.

6. Anreize für private TV-Veranstalter, ihrer öffentlichen Aufgabe mehr als bisher nachzukommen.

In welcher Form sollen diese Incentives are given? Actually, from public view only two possibilities exist, either statutory requirements or subsidies.

7th A fee model, which pushes to the financing of public service broadcasting on a downward path.

Apart from the fact that he wants to keep the public broadcasting a null statement, for each financing model for each activity is to prevent a slippery slope. It remains what he really wants. And maintaining the GEZ fee increase, or abolition of the GEZ the introduction of any tax levy, or something else entirely.

8th The placement and annual updating a Media Atlas with all the ideas of the 5 Basic Law relevant data for Germany as a joint effort of federal and state governments.

Are there any other things, urge problems in this country than the updating of a better address table a specific industry? Apart from that, Steinmeier brought here the impression that Article 5 Basic Law calls for such an atlas media in any form.

All these measures have only one aim: the performance of the German media system, at least at the current level to get even better, expand. A diverse media system is the prerequisite for a vibrant democracy. We want to help to bear!

This objective will probably not be achieved with these vague and half-baked proposals. Ingsgesamt Steinmeier is here pretty much on the line of CDU / CSU. The enemy is the Internet, must be in the finally cracked down hard, old business models are to be protected and censorship does no harm principle.

  1. The relationship between media and democracy today is sometimes fragile. Frank-Walter Steinmeier (06.09.2009)

Monday, September 7, 2009

Red Wineand Stomach Problems

Hüter der Verfassung als Verfassungsfeind

The President of the Constitutional Court and the Supreme Administrative Court Michael Bertrams of NRW in a lecture a very strange view has show of our state. Maybe he should again look into the Basic Law, and then throw revise his paper again.

parts of Islamic law are not consistent with the basic values \u200b\u200bof the German constitution. This, the President of the Constitutional Court and the High Administrative Court of North Rhine-Westphalia, Michael Bertram, on Wednesday at a lecture in Münster. He also called on churches to formulate their message clear.

First, it is true that at least parts of Sharia incompatible with the German constitution übereinstimmen. Aber wieso fühlt sich ein Präsident eines Verfassungsgerichtshofes überhaupt dazu berufen im Amte die Kirchen (welche meint er eigentlich?) zu einer klaren Formulierung ihrer Botschaft auzurufen?

Er [der Staat Anmerkung d. A.] dürfe „nur mit solchen Religionsgemeinschaften kooperieren und nur diejenigen fördern, welche die Grundlagen dieser Ordnung vorbehaltlos bejahen und stärken“.

Woher nimmt er die kühne Idee, daß ein säkularer Staat überhaupt mit Religionsgemeinschaften kooperieren muß? Es scheint als ob Herr Bertrams noch nie etwas von der Trennung von Staat und Kirche gehört hat.

Hier ist dem Staat zuzumuten, Christian values to not only tolerate, but as part of a qualified partnership to support active.

This statement suggests the ground from the vat. A constitutional president is to openly identify as enemy of the constitution. Yet the state has to maintain in schools at least ideological neutrality, but he certainly has no right or even a duty to support any religious values or promote.

A Muslim teacher who insisted on wearing the Islamic headscarf is committed, without reservation, and therefore not consistent with our Constitution and our values

This is the logical consequence for any of the contents of the Koran is considered basic, but exactly the same applies to virtually to all other religious communities. The contents of the Bible are no more compatible with the Basic Law and thus also committed teachers from wearing Christian symbols are not consistent with our Constitution. Worse, as a teacher with a headscarf, or having a cross on the necklace, a judge of the fundamental constitutional principles of the Basic Law has not understood is: a blatant wrong choice in office.

provides for complaints of the Constitutional Court the following addresses available:

Mailing address: Verfassungsgerichtshof
für das Land Nordrhein-Westfalen
Postfach 6309
48033 Münster
Hausanschrift: Verfassungsgerichtshof
für das Land Nordrhein-Westfalen
Aegidiikirchplatz 5

48143 Münster
Telefon, Fax und E-Mail:
Zentrale: 0251-505-0
Fax: 0251-505-253
Pressesprecher: 0251-505-255 (VROVG Dr. Lau)
Vertreter: 0251-505-381 (VROVG Dr. Schnell)
Fax Pressestelle: 0251-505-429
E-Mail Pressestelle:


  2. Verfassungsrichter: Scharia in Teilen nicht mit Grundgesetz vereinbar


How To Lessen Sweetness In Chilli

Kommt die DDR nun endgültig zurück?

Wer hätte das gedacht, 20 Jahre nach dem Fall der Mauer erreicht ein Grenzübertritt in die USA — „The Land of Free“ — die gleiche Qualität wie eine Einreise in die DDR. Nicht nur wird man vorab von Geheimdiensten durchleuchtet und an der Grenze bis auf die Unterhose gefilzt, jetzt wird auch noch eine Einreisegebühr in die USA in Höhe von 10 US-$ diskutiert. Sozusagen Continental Disneyland. Geradezzu ironically this is especially in light of the already panicky fear of socialism prevailing in the U.S., as the extremely irrelevant debate about health insurance has been highlighted again.

For the GDR was the mandatory exchange of one source of foreign exchange, and for the USA? The previously announced cost-recovery is the justification for a program to promote tourism ( HR2935 - Travel Promotion Act of 2009 ). Sounds like something for a perpetual motion: the more tourists come, the better the program for the promotion of tourism under-funded. In truth, the fee is likely to Finanzierung des „ESTA pre-registration system“ dienen. Um das Gesicht zu wahren möchte man dort vielleicht keine Gebühr erheben, denn bei seiner Einführung wurde versprochen, daß es kostenlos sein wird.

  1. Zehn Dollar pro Besuch — EU kritisiert geplante US-Einreisegebühr (07.09.2009),1518,647436,00.html

  2. H.R.2935 - Travel Promotion Act of 2009


Cubefield On School Computer

Ausweis für Kommentatoren

Wie die NewYork Times reported yesterday commentators in China have to register with full name and identity number (personal identification number). From China and some other countries is expected otherwise, but you need to go not so far, for the Junge Union in April this year under the pretext of action against violent videos to want to submit this proposal carefully. It is amazing how mentally relatives, the CDU and CDU are related institutions and totalitarian regimes. Interressant these proposals from the realm of German politics is show time and again the technical naivety that such proposals. For how to register under false names be prevented? The identity card number is slightly calculated. How should the Kotrolle made by foreign companies? Through online access to deustche registers? Why should foreign suppliers at all, such a check for German users (which would then geanu German users?) Agree? etc. At the same time indirectly would introduce a minimum age of 16 years to exploit, because previously there is no PA in GE.

  1. China Web Sites Seeking Users' Names (05.09.2009) & page = all wanted
  2. Junge Union in NRW attacks YouTube (19.04.2009)

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Playstation 3 Power Supply Problems

Skripttipp #11: Kurz-URLs vor dem Besuch auflösen

www .
www.x . se

Whether one likes short URL or not, whether one sie für sinnvoll hält oder nicht, immer häufiger begegnet man ihnen. Man kann ihre Benutzung prinzipiell verweigern, dann kann man aber Dienste wie nur eingeschränkt benutzen. Auch Verfügbarkeit und Sicherheit sind diskussionswürdige Punkte, aber all dies soll jetzt hier nicht das Thema sein!

Auf jeden Fall sollte man wissen wie man ggf. zu jeder Kurz-URL die Langform erhält ohne den Link anzuklicken. Zwar bieten viele Kurz-URL-Dienstleister („URL shortener“) inzwischen auch eine Vorschaufunktion an, aber für diese gibt es keinen einheitlichen Standard, jeder kocht hier sein eigenes Süppchen. Drei Beispiele (ohne Wertung des Dienstleisters):

  1. : to + the short URL, hang in
  2. : "preview" insert
  3. : - insert before the short form, http:/ / / prfzff

What is needed is a service independent method to find the destination URL. The possibility schnellse supplies, as is usual, a bash script. The relevant services are based on the standardized response server 301, which states that a page has moved and is now available under a different URL. In the terminal you can easily request by retrieving the header ("header") information to a URL:

 #: ~> curl-Is '' HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Server: nginx/0.7 .42 Date: Mon, 10 Aug 2009 19:55:09 GMT Content-Type: text / html; charset = utf-8 Connection: keep-alive Location: MIME-Version: 1.0 Content- Length: 287 #: ~> 

We are interested here only the line "Location", then there is the transfer destination. Using grep and cut can now create a small bash script which reads the real goal:

 # / usr / bin / env bash # if ["$ 1" =''!] Then curl-Is $ 1  Write function library or directly to the. bashrc. off gain 

For MacOS X users to the command line can do nothing, can be with the mentioned Bashkommandos and put some apple script a small program in the menu bar of Mac OS X, showing which browser and service provider independent of the long form, each short URL. Their advantage is that you can the service provider does not have to know (in detail) and can call always the same sequence of commands: link in any way to copy to the clipboard (select Copy text, context menu via the link, link to the clipboard) . menu item "short URL dissolve" In the Script menu.

See URL resolution, any changes, click away, or a standard browser access.

    open script editor and create the following Skirpt executable and put in "~ / Library / Scripts:
  1. set Cancel to false set result to" "set time to 30 set Kurzurl to the clipboard try reference to (do set shell script" curl-Is "& Kurzurl & ¬" See resolve "default button 2 Cancel button 1 ¬ giving up after time on error number -128 set abort to true end try if then else abort if button returned of result is" OK ... "then open location text returned of result else if gave up of results then display dialog "More than" & Time & ¬ "second answer is no." with title "time out" end if
  2. The script assumes that the correct URL is the Zwischenablge, otherwise it is harmless, However, unexpected error messages. The query works for all the services described based on a system as long as the call is free accessible for everybody and they even work (yet). Is a service turned off, the short URL is worthless to all, since there is no access to the database more. ->


Friday, September 4, 2009

Organ Sale Pros And Cons

Was verboten ist, passiert nicht


us Ursula von der Leyen can participate again with a remarkable testimony to your intellectual world:

Vip Reception Verbiage

JAKO erwacht aus der Schreckstarre

  • Last night the company JAKO all visibly moved and Press release published on its website. The title "We overreacted," suggests to access, but the following text is at least disappointing. A sincere apology is different. In addition, you get the impression that only vesucht save to save what still without dealing with the real problem, however, because by and large, the statement reads more like an indictment. Obviously, neither the operation of the Internet is still understood the underlying problem. But we regard the points in detail:
  • "We have clearly overreacted," said Rudi Sprügel, CEO of JAKO AG, and creates all the conditions to end the fast, especially in Internet discussion led to his company.

    manufacturer of sporting goods from the north of Baden-Wuerttemberg, the focus is on sports teams in 40 countries around the world very successfully with shirts, pants, socks, balls, track suits and shoes, equipping, had dealt with the blogger Frank Baade. self-expression for those who did not know JAKO. Advertising in an apology? Also had probably the first blogger dealt with JAKO.

    The football coach from North Rhine-Westphalia had criticized the company for the 20th anniversary JAKO created new logo with words from the abusive language. This angered the people responsible at JAKO. Therefore, they commissioned a law firm with the aim that these defamatory statements Baade withdraws and the Internet removed.

    To put it clearly, the blogger took the logo quite simply shit. This may interfere with one, especially if you are the user of the logo, but it is truly the right of everyone to express his opinion on this, whether oral, written, pictorial or otherwise. That's called freedom of speech! He has set no false claims about the products in the world, but expressed his personal opinion about the company JAKO. Apart from football, a total of not exactly known for their poetic tone.

    After negotiations among the attorneys Baade was ready. He committed himself by signing, in the event of an offense to pay a penalty.

    negotiations, this case probably a euphemism for coercion. If one is set with the words, money or your life the gun at his chest, it is difficult to classify this as a negotiation. Complaining about other people's expression and then to throw a disrespectful Baade in the round matches, not even played for the contrite. Also forgets to mention JAKO that the blogger has geahlten to the agreement.

    When after a few weeks Baade excessive criticism was still available on the Internet, Baade received another letter from the JAKO-lawyers. They had assumed that the amateur soccer coach did not want to stick to the agreement and informed him thus incurring a case of culpable repetition of the alleged statements increased penalty. Only after it emerged that the Czech news aggregator "Newstin" had been copied from the deleted text Baade and continue to spread.

    The lawyers were thus presumed. Aha! Now we say it is going in German: The lawyers have worked sloppy and not carefully. This can also be regarded as a gross breach of duty, probably caused Duch lack of expertise on the functioning of the Internet.

    Without the final settlement of the case, the lawyers to be seen Baade then alerted the blogosphere. Of the bloggers or the story was the way to the major daily newspapers.

    As for the emergency telephone number of the blogosphere? Here it is clear that JAKO did not understand the procedures. Each blogger is still alone Responsible for what facts he takes up what is not. If the lawyers have been familiar with the Internet, they would have been clear that a warning triggers a Pavlov reflex. The Internet community responded with law, as this case shows very angry at interference in the freedom of expression. Moreover, this reaction was probably necessary, because if the blogosphere their displeasure known would not have done, had JAKOS lawyers "Trainer Baade" more pressured, and probably with success.

    "We have a purely legal blame anything," said Rudi Sprügel, "but in retrospect it would have been much better if we had with Mr. Baade personally contacted and resolved the matter directly with him."

    clear statement of this point: We bow to the pressure because it starts to cost money, but we have not made mistakes, because it is forbidden to see our logo and shit to say so too loudly. Freedom of expression, he does not seem to really understand have to. His lawyers are working sloppy (the alleged culprit was in the second, the Czech News aggregator

    ") and then throw in front of others, have not searched the Internet. But they have not done anything wrong.

    Sprügel regrets that the "dispute shall have been rocking unnecessarily. It was unfortunate, not immediately respond to requests from bloggers and journalists. "We have nothing to hide, after all, to '

    PR agencies for image building are expensive, such costs attract more regret in the management. He has nothing to hide? What reference in this Zusammenhang?

    Die Verzögerung einer Antwort hänge unter anderem auch mit der Urlaubszeit und der Abwesenheit wichtiger Entscheidungsträger zusammen. Sprügel kündigt an, er werde den Logo-Kritiker in die Firmenzentrale nach Mulfingen-Hollenbach einladen. Dabei werde man sehr gerne mit ihm über das neue Logo diskutieren und Baade könne sich ein eigenes Bild vom JAKO-Spirit und der Qualität der Produkte machen. Rudi Sprügel, der in jungen Jahren selbst in der zweiten deutschen Fußballliga spielte, will sich dafür einsetzen, dass Baade aus dieser Auseinandersetzung „keine finanziellen Nachteile erwachsen.“ Sprügel wörtlich: „Ich bin mir sicher, dass beide Seiten aus dieser unpleasant history have learned. "JAKO is so Sprügel, a" young medium sized company, the honest, fair sport culture lives with enthusiasm. " His Majesty leaves justice with mercy, how touching. JAKO, you have now dovetailed the bullshit, not the others!

    What learning effects seen here Mr. Sprügel? What should the bloggers have learned his opinion? That one may express his opinion only if you have enough money for lawyers? What does Mr. Sprügel for himself and his company to have learned? That one is right when fighting against freedom of expression, but that the resulting resultierende schlechte Image Geld kostet?

    Diese Unternehmensphilosophie, die von rund 160 Mitarbeitern mit einem Altersdurchschnitt von 34 Jahren gelebt werde, bringe auch das neue Logo mit der Aussage „JAKO Living Sports“ zum Ausdruck. JAKO konnte seinen Umsatz im Geschäftsjahr 2008 erneut um zehn Prozent auf 63,8 Millionen Euro steigern. 2008 verkaufte JAKO unter anderem 1,5 Millionen Trikots, 1 Million Trainingsanzüge und eine halbe Million Bälle. Auch 2009 liegt JAKO trotz Wirtschaftskrise auf Wachstumskurs.

    JAKO ist Ausstatter von Bundesliga-Mannschaften wie Eintracht Frankfurt, Greuther Fürth, Rot-Weiss-Ahlen, FC Rot-Weiss Erfurt, SSV Jahn Regensburg, Dynamo Dresden sowie von Fußball-Erstligamannschaften in Austria, Switzerland, the Netherlands and Belgium. JAKO equipped but also well-known German and international handball, basketball and volleyball teams from complete. Especially these teams know the quality of JAKO products satisfy the most demanding to appreciate and rely on the expertise of the JAKO team.
    What has to do the marketing drivel at this point and with the facts? The peacock is insulted and its tail to show how great he is. How many own goals were ürbigens with the self-produce balls shot?

    to the above criticisms I think is yet to add something else, namely the type of expression. In der Erklärung wird von einem


    geredet, davon daß sich
    die Verantowrtlichen geärgert hatten
    , etc. Man gewinnt den Eindruck ein Dritter berichtet über den Vorfall und versucht dem Leser die Situation zu erklären. Es entsteht nicht der Eindruck, daß hier das Unternehmen selbst der Erklärende ist, immerhin handelt es sich um eine Mitteilung des Unternehmens JAKO auf seiner eigenen Homepage, und sich mit dem gesagten auch identifiziert.

    Summa summarum: Dies ist mehr eine Anklage, eine ernstgemeinte Entschuldigung sieht anders aus! Ich persönlich bezweifle auch, daß es auf Seiten von JAKO noch zu einer Einsicht, die über das Geld hinaus geht, kommen wird. Entweder man akzeptiert Meinungsfreiheit ganz allgemein oder man tut es nicht und Anwälte handeln berufsbedingt nach anderen Kriterien. Für sie ist das Prozessrisiko und die Wahrscheinlichkeit einen Prozess zu verlieren entscheidend. JAKO kann ab jetzt noch alles falsch machen, aber nur noch sehr wenig richtig. Einzig für „Trainer Baade“ dürfte die Sache auf der Habenseite zu verbuchen sein, denn er kommt aus der Sache raus.

    Darüberhinaus kann man wohl auch von der Anwaltskanzlei Horn & Kollegen, vertreten durch RA Iris Sanguinette, eine öffentliche Entschuldigung erwarten. Dazu muß sich halt von der Schweigepflicht entbinden lassen. Das wäre sogar eine äußerst preiswerte Angelegenheit, after all, the image of failure is JAKO by solicitor until further perdu. In general, it is surprising that a law firm to over a dozen websites courting customers, such a blunder happened.

    JAKO JAKO the debate on Logo: "We have to respond"

    How JAKO other people takes off the last jersey (01/09/2009)

    1. Meme Schlurchmarke (01/09/2009)

    3. JAKO kündigt Handschlag an (04.09.2009)

    Tuesday, September 1, 2009

    Ns_bindin_aborted Jquery Post

    Twitter liest mit!

  • Yesterday, shortly before midnight Twitter provided a striking example of what happens when the back-translation of short URLs fails: The links are dead! A potential worst case scenario for a company which relies on the continuous functioning of these short URLs. Nevertheless, this error also reveals some less nice internals of Twitter. But first things first. I wanted a short URL from a Tweet of the Pirate Party follow Pirate Party in local elections Telgte - ballots ended up in the shredder: # T either
  • 2 minutes ago from web

    This error message appeared on all tweets and all service providers for short URLs, even with the Twitter partners
    . What is remarkable about this error message is now twofold:

    Service providers for short URLs functioned properly, because you copied the URL out of the tweets and pasted them directly into the browser, the short URL resolve error. Also on the command line was easy to determine, for example, with Twitterfehlermeldung curl-Is

    , the objective of the short URL.

    The URL that the error message triggers: 3A% 2F% 2F2LToV & link = & type = web tweetId authenticity_token 3697982903 & userId = 56075977 & = b59b6d07e248ef735c6a404e15bc4f554475ee8c

    1. If you look closer at this URL parameters fall link_click_count
    2. ,
    3. tweetId
    4. eye. In other words, Twitter is not only just the clicks, but also create well (pretty much meaningless) user profiles, because why else would both Tweet, and user ID are recorded at every click. Technically, this is not necessary anyway. Thus, some questions which arise immediately Twitter beantworten sollte:

    Was passiert mit den gespeicherten Daten?
    Wie lange werden sie gepseichert?

    Für welche Zwecke werden sie eingesetzt?
    An wen werden sie weitergeleitet?

    Martial Store Toronto

    Meme Schlurchmarke The horror

    Es ist immer wieder schön, wenn man im Leben etwas dazulernt, insbesondere wenn dadurch die sprachlichen Fertigkeiten weiter verfeinert werden. So habe ich heute das mir vollkommen unbekannte Wort
    gehört. Etymologisch ist der Schlurch eine Zusammenziehung von Lurch und Schelm und wurde wohl im Schlesischen benutzt (zumindest kannten alte Schlesier das Wort). Bisher hatte ich keinerlei Assoziation mit diesem Begriff.

    Iris Sangui Cute Note: mediator

    & RA
    Source: RA Iris Sanguinette
    The second, which I learned today is economic. Indeed, there is a German sports goods manufacturer called
    JAKO AG . This provides yet no association with me. Admittedly, I am not a sports fan, so I probably had therefore JAKO is still one yet. This issue has been education, but now with help of Frank Baade Baade alias
    coach, who described in his now deleted blog post with sports equipment manufacturer JAKO as Schlurchmarke, disparaging about the new logo said ("Now Jako (or JAKO) changed its logo: From relative crap to very special shit") and it then also compared with Aldi / Lidl, and the law firm of Horn & Associates, represented by RA Iris Sangui Nice (Nomen est omen: sanguine = blood ...), from JAKO also finally closed. Now the interested reader may think, well he has two fewer gaps in education, but what is it that important? Actually, nothing at all if there was no deal yet again a company people who have no idea how the Internet works, and thus most remarkable legal opinions develop which lead to the forwarding accordingly Voice warnings.

    The case is described in detail in the blog " All except Sport " in the entry "How JAKO other people the last jersey moves out " described. The real essence is rather short: Someone asks a blog post into the net, a company is bothered by it, sent a warning letter, the blogger was cooperative and deletes the entry. Later is found anywhere in the network from third parties, a copy of the disturbing entry and the blogger was cited again on the grounds that (!):

    [...] to have failed, "the Internet" (sic) carefully enough to examine.

    If so you have received a warning letter should be ready to remove the entry to prove the duty of care that is always an expression of the Internet? If any court shall notify the legal opinion of the firm, is any statement in a ruinous risk. This works better than any leyenhafte stop sign. Also interesting are the logical consequences that result from such a legal opinion because if has been officially confirmed, is that a comparison with Aldi / Lidl is to be regarded as insulting criticism, could not then turn Aldi / Lidl seen (unfairly?) Reviled, and in turn to injunctions? And we may now kik Compare with ALDI / LIDL or not and if so, it is a Schlurchmarke? Questions about issues raised by living with lawyers. Anyway, for me, and certainly in many other in any case, the meme

    Schlurchmarke JAKO
    taken root and is probably no longer be removed. The whole thing is another, very nice demonstration of the Streisand effect

    . There just are always people and businesses to learn it only to the very hard way. Therefore, a small piece of advice to JAKOS-Team: It is better to let some grass grow really about one thing. While there is always the danger that it erodes any camel back, but we have to not just their own camels to send email pasture! On the other hand, one can naturally interpret this as a new form of viral marketing: The mutation of a harmless common cold to a lethal pandemic.

    Addendum (02/09/2009): The avalanche has been really rolling. Now, even have mirror


    Handelsblatt up this subject and enjoys the YouTube video " JAKO sports clothing does not come into my house " a certain popularity. Twitter as a multiplier ensures that you miss nothing new to JAKO
    and still growing der Tsunami weiter.

    Die Kanzlei ist übrigens mindestens unter den folgenden 13 URLs zu erreichen:

    warning against sports bloggers - As the power public relations change (02/09/2009), 1518,646524,00 html

    1. And Jako. silent (02-09-2009)
    2.; 2.45221 million

    3. JAKO sportswear me does not come into the house
    4. com / watch? v = kmfWpdNuIxc